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jueves, 19 de mayo de 2022

Carta de Joy Morris sobre el trabajo de Subpersonalidades


t’s a fabulous idea of Jackie’s to create an extended course in sub-personality work. I don’t believe there is anything, anywhere that exists where the actor is given the time and opportunity to delve into the deeper motivations of each personality. As I’m sure Jackie has told you ‘Sub-personalities’ affect behavior, choices, your way of coping with life, and dealing with people. Sub-personality plays such an important part of each person’s psyche. This understanding gives the actor tools for life and also the tools for giving life to characters on stage and screen.

Voice Dialogue is a tool that transforms lives. Through voice dialogue we ‘allow’ each voice to take the stage. ALLOW!: implant that word into your brain as you work. ‘Allow’ is a small word but such an incredibly important word. I think for actors it becomes the most important word in his or her vocabulary. I can’t wait to hear from Jackie about all that is happening in class!



Abril 14, 2022





Subpersonalidades 2022

 En el trabajo de Subpersonalidades 

 Vamos al encuentro de las voces que viven adentro nuestro. Escuchar lo que necesitan. Entender porque nos relacionamos de la manera que lo hacemos. Encontrar la manera de que todas las voces sean escuchadas y por ende conseguir un equilibrio emocional. 

En ese hermoso proceso encontramos herramientas MUY poderosas para el actor. 

Hay un antes y un después en este proceso y una cara vale más que mil palabras…

Pura admiración y amor por mis alumnos que son sensibles. Talentosos y aventureros. Valientes como pocos! Gracias por hacer el 






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